
Rock And Roll: Why Flies Hard Beaten By Hand ..?

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Why Flies Hard Beaten By Hand ..?

Filthy disgusting animals, noisy with annoying behavior, he is "FLY", a disgusting thing if flies were nearing dining area, except at the market or where Kolono flies. Have not you swat a fly is as easy as hitting the mosquitoes ..? How many times have you managed to hit the fly with your hands? Difficult is not it? The secret behind this capability is now known explanation.

Over the past 20 years researching the biomechanics of the wings of flies, Michael Dickinson of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have to solve now. That was because she was always curious about the questions are simple and often asked people she met.

"Now I have the answer," says Dickinson who conducted the study with Esther M and Abe M Zarem. He discovered the secret maneuvers after recording a number of threatened blow flies using a digital camera that can record the speed and resolution of tinggi. They found that flies can identify threats based on location. Otanya will calculate how much a threat to them before deciding to wing and escape.

After predicting the direction of the threat, leg rests to fly in the opposite direction. All the preparation can be done to escape very quickly, just 100 milliseconds after it detects a hazard.

"It shows how quickly the fly brain process sensory information into an appropriate response to the movement," said Dickinson. In fact, the flies adjust his posture to fit the threat.

That is, the flies have integrated well between visual information from the eyes and the information meta sensorik at his feet. These findings provide clues about the nervous system of flies and showed that in the brain there is a system of mapping threat position.

"This is a transformation of stimuli into motion a bit complex and subsequent research looking the part of the brain that regulate it," he said.

Of the system, Dickinson also can suggest the most effective way of swatting flies. According to him, the best time swatting flies not the position ready to fly so the time he needs to anticipate these threats relatively longer. Certainly not easy to perform accurate movements of less than 100 milliseconds.

So chasing away flies mending pake simple way is to put the cloves around food guaranteed
reluctant to fly closer .. than bother hit.

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